Sunday, 30 September 2018

Can We Make It to O’Hare Airport Hands-Free in the Cadillac CT6? —

Google Maps is currently telling me it’s going to take 25 minutes to get toO’Hare Airport from our downtown Chicago studio now it could easily be doublethat in peak commuting traffic and that is just an awful drive okay like theyhave an answer for that though with this hands-free super cruise it’s an adaptivecruise control system that on highways and interstates lets you go hands-freenow we’re gonna put that to the test on ninety eight ninety four from Chicago toO’Hare Airport and see if we can go the distance hands-free so as we get ontothe expressway activating super cruise is not as easy as it could be there’s alittle gray light that pops up in the dashboard or in the instrument clusterand the car has to be on the center line of the road for that to appear it’s notalways easy to see the little gray icon because the steering wheel might evenblock it depending on your driving position it would have been very nice tohave that in the head-up display of the ct6 but it’s not the case it takes alittle work to identify when super cruise is ready and so now we’re on theexpressway and we are going to wait for it to pop up and let’s get this show onthe road all right super cruise is active and we’re good we are hands-freethe steering wheel has illuminated and it’s green little light so it is tellingme that super cruise is active and I am gonna turn the adaptive cruisecontrol up to 65 miles an hour and we’re goldenso at mile marker 1. 1 we’ve started super cruise so let’s see how far we canget what super cruise does exceptionally well is it holds its position in thelane better than other systems at least in my experience on these roads it holdsthat center position in the road better than Tesla’s autopilot and Volvo’s pilotassist the big downside is it only works on certain roads on those pre-programmedpre scanned roads it’s not going to work on a two-lane highway without a centerdivider or one of the other many many thousands of miles of roads that aren’tprogrammed into the super cruiser system that’s unlike Tesla’s autopilot orVolvo’s pilot assist that will work on almost any road as long as there arelane markings and the cameras can read where the car is but this is certainlyan impressive system when it does work one of the ways that super cruise allowspeople to go hands-free and for them to actually recommend it is it uses adriver facing infrared camera and it’s looking at head position who superCruise has been disengaged so the red light on the steering wheelstarted barking at me saying supercruise is going to and disengage so I am goingto reactivate super curse and again I try to reactivate it and it tells meit’s going to disengage now I’ve lost the super cruise icon all together I amgonna try and change lanes so I can use the turn signal to change lanes it kindof thinks about it while you’re changing lanes and then when you’re back in thelane it reactivates super curse it doesn’t work like Tesla’s autopilotwhere you flip the turn signal and it will change lanes automatically we arecoming up to a split in the highway where 94 goes north and 90 goes west I’mcurious to see how it’s gonna handle if it’s gonna keep me in the lane to go to90 west out toward the airport or if it’s gonna disengageas you can see supercruise does a pretty good job of moving with the roadcurvature so it is steering on this slightly curvy highway there is a pointthough where there can be too much steering angle in it will turn itselfoff so the warning systems first if it senses you’re not paying attention thelittle green light will start flashing at you you know hey pay attention if itgoes a little further it will say it’ll start flashing red and it’s like okaywhat’s going on here we’re gonna turn this off and you thinkabout what you did wrong and then the last alert is all right party’s overthat’s it it will turn it off it’ll have an audible voice saying please payattention and then it will automatically slow the car down to a stop and if youstill haven’t responded it will call on stars emergency services okay so we’reapproaching the interchange here we’re 90 west and 94 West split and it turneditself off and a trucks trying to kill mecoolso yeah it disengaged and now there’s no supercruise icon so we’re gonna splitoff on 290 West here and hopefully let’s seeall right super pers is backand it’s off and we’re back on supercruise is engaged hands are off thesteering wheel we are paying attention still it feels very natural like a humanis driving there’s not a lot of jerky moments and it doesn’t ping-pong betweenthe lanes either like some other systems it does a really good job even whenwe’re next to a truck where it wants to suck you in or in heavy winds it’scorrecting very well in keeping the car on the center of the road so we’recruising about 65 miles an hour now we’re coming to traffic slowed down sowe will see if it keeps it active during this slow period too and yeah if we’rechugging along at 16 miles an hour supercruise still active no hand onsteering wheel requirement this is pretty nice if you had to do thiscommute often this would be a great system this also really makes on cameradialogue easier because I talk with my hands we made it to O’Hare not totallyhands-free but some of that was by design where the highway split but whenit is working it works really well it’s one of the better next-level adaptivecruise controls out there with just how well it centers the car in its lane andhow smooth and comfortable it makes you feel when the feature is active two ofits biggest snacks though are that it only works on certain highways and ifyou don’t live around them then what’s the point and – right now it’s onlyavailable on the CT 6a sedan that we’re not especially enamored with but ifyou’re looking at the CT six and you’ll live where there are roads wheresupercruise works then it’s a no brainer you got to get ityouyou



2019 Subaru Forester: First Look –

compact SUVs are all the rage right now and Subaru looks to capitalize on thatwith the redesign of its Forester a vehicle that changes a little bit on theoutside but a lot on the inside now if one of these drove by you quickly itmight be easy to mistaken it for the previous generation of the Forester sosimilarly shaped very tall headlights here the grille still a six sided unitkind of sits in front and center here lots of cladding down low and it kind ofsnakes around the entire vehicle but it’s a functional appearance eight pointseven inches of ground clearance Subaru says on this generation of the Foresterthat’s still an inch or two more than many small SUVs big changes on theinside of the forest or really improved materials quality I got to say in thiscar at the Auto Show versus the previous generation which was really hit and misslots of soft stuff with your arms and your elbows and your knees land there’snice detailing here with this sort of metal trim here that divides kind of theupper and lower portions of the dashboard some of this sort ofwraparound stitching here very good attention to detail still lots ofeasy-to-use controls nice storage spaces and excellent visibility now that was ahallmark of the previous generation Foresterappears to still be the case here look behind you I mean there’s just a nicebig rear window big rear quarter windows Subaru who didn’t mess with a good thingnow wheelbase is up more than an inch in the redesign which helps add an inch anda half to rear legroom in the new forester legroom in the old Forester wasfine this is just a ton now I’m 6 feet tall that’s where I’d sit to drive asyou can see lots of room left over a nice high seating position relativelyspeaking and not too bad Headroom left over so just a comfortable place backhere for adults now cargo room up a little bit versus the previousgeneration but Subaru says that actually the width of the opening at the liftgate on this forester up 5. 3 inches versus before that makes it one of thewidest cargo openings in the segment so go to Home Depot and have at itall-wheel-drive will of course be standard and so now for this redesignwill Subarus package of driver assistance features called eyesightincluding the must-have automatic emergency braking the previousgenerations turbocharged four-cylinder option though no longer available thatleaves one engine a 2. 5 liter boxer four-cylinder that’ll go in everyforester stay tuned we should have driving impressions foryou closer to its date later in 2018you



Clever Car Hacks

I’m to that scene in la-la land when Ryan Gosling helps Emma Stone find hercar by telling her to hold her key fob up to her chin there’s no way that’strue right wrong the typical key fob only functionsup to a few dozen feet but you can extend that range considerably byliterally turning your head into an antenna by holding your key fob up toyour chin you combine its ability to conduct a signal with that of yourfluid-filled melon hey it worked that got us to thinking about some othercommon sense car hacks hiding out in the open too obvious toadmit you didn’t know like how to de fog your windshield when it’s cold outsidelike where I am today fog tends to form on the inside of thewindshield when you run the heat and add moisture to the air when you breathe andthat causes a driving hazard start by turning your heater down or offthis will help equalize the cold inside and outside temperatures turn on yourdefroster to the max but on a cooler setting be sure to turn off your airrecirculation feature leaving it on will simply recirculate humid air converselywhen it’s hot and humid outside the cold air from your air conditioner will causecondensation to form on the outside of your windshield obviously the firstthing you can do is wipe away the condensation with your windshield wipersthen turn that a/c down are entirely off to help balance the temperature andagain turn off that recirculated air crank up the defroster on a warmersetting or just roll down your windows but what about when you’re in anunfamiliar car like in a rental car for example or maybe you’re just the kind ofperson who can never seem to remember what side the fuel tank is on as youpull into the gas station just take a look at that little gas pump icon nearyour fuel gauge see that little arrow it’s on the right side of the gas pumpyour fuel cap is on the right it’s on the left your cap is on the left admitit some of you didn’t know that now you won’t have to do any more precariouseleven-point turns trying to line up with the gas pump as your fellow fillersup look on with judgy expressions



2018 Hyundai Kona: First Drive —

small crossovers and suv’s are all the rage these days everybody’s buying oneand they’re buying them more and more every single minute hyundai does notwant to be left out of that party which is why they’ve brought us this this isthe new 2018 hyundai kona and while the name may make you think of volcanicislands and tropical breezes and beautiful Hawaiian beaches franklythat’s not what we have here today we are in Detroit on Belle Isle and asbeaches go this is pretty much what we’ve got however we also have this toplay with a fantastic new crossover from Hyundai so what makes this thing sospecial I’m not sure it’s the styling that makes it special because we’vecriticized the Kona in the past for kind of looking like a mishmash of everyother crossover on the market put together let me check this out these arenot the headlights these are the daytime running lights they’re LED and they’restandard the actual headlights are down here they’re in the bumper and if thatlooks like the last generation Jeep Cherokee to you well frankly it lookslike that to me too the grille is wider and is meant toevoke Hyundai steel making processes it meant to look like an urn where youmelting the steel and pouring it into something else and if you’re a fan ofblack plastic cladding while they’ve got it here – it’s all down the front it’son the fenders it’s on the back fender sits on the back bumper it’s meant tomake the thing look a little bit more rugged meant to look like some kind of amachine where you can see the bones of the machine instead of just the actualexterior and if you’re a fan of compact dimensions well check this out it’salmost a foot shorter than the Hyundai Tucson so it’ll fit just about anywhereyou want to put it depending which model you get you get a choice of wheel sizesbase wheels are 17 inch but this one has 18 inch wheels which come as you risethrough the various trim levels now the paint on this one is a special for 2018called lime twist optional is a contrasting roof either black or greyobviously this one doesn’t have it if you like this color however you’re goingto want to get an 18 because in 2019 this becomes bright orange so there area couple of things we should talk about inside the kona and the first is thisyou push this button and it automatically locks the all-wheel drivein a 50/50 torque split normally the all-wheel drive operates only the frontwheels and it activates rear wheels as needed if it detects anykind of slippage but if you think you can do better than the system detectingwhen you need to have that kind of torque you push that button 50% of thefront 50% of the rear sometimes it’ll help you get out of a slippery situationout on the street I’m actually really quite surprised at how well the kkonadrives it feels like a much larger vehicle than it actually is and that’snot to say that it’s got a larger footprint anything like that because itcertainly doesn’t it is a very small SUV and it feels like a small SUV but theride and handling of it make it feel like a larger vehicle the rideespecially is really quite well damped the handling itself it’s still a tallvehicle and it is a bit more tippy than say something like a Veloster or anElantra but in terms of overall ride quality even with these 18-inch wheelsit’s really not that bad until you get to some seriously broken pavement andthen you may have wished that you’ve gotten the 17-inch wheels instead withthe larger sidewall tires but overall it has a sophistication that we’re startingto find in a number of Hyundai vehicles that hasn’t been there before part ofthe reason I think for the better ride and handling in this vehicle at least isthe multi-link rear suspension base Kona’s only get a torsion beam rearsuspension was a little less sophisticated but when you get theall-wheel drive option you get a multi-link rear suspension as well soyou have a fully independent suspension front and rear and that definitely doeshelp things out in terms of dynamics underhood you’ve got a choice of twoengines if you get the base models you get a two-liter four-cylinder enginemaking 147 horsepower which it’s not a whole lot if you upgrade to all-wheeldrive you can get the 1. 6 liter turbocharged engine now it’s making ahundred and seventy five horsepower but it makes 195 pound-feet of torque and itreally does help the conus scoot around town with no problem whatsoever you geta choice of two transmissions in the Kona and it depends on which enginechoice you’ve specified the base 2-liter engine with the front-wheel drive comeswith a six-speed Automatic transmission but if you upgrade to the 1. 6 literturbo engine you get a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission thoseare the same power trains that you find in the Hyundai Veloster but the turboengine in the Kona is detuned a little bit it only makes 175 horsepower insteadof 201 that we see in other applications but it’s still making 195 pound-feet oftorque and that means that the code of scoots around town with really noproblem at all acceleration is brisk it really feels strong and the 7-speeddual-clutch transmission snaps off shifts pretty much imperceptibly theonly issue I have with the dual clutch transmission is that when you’reshifting you can say from park to drive or from the reverse to drive it doestake a half a second before it actually gets into that gear so you have to kindof let it do its thing before it’s ready to actually send you on your way onearea that sets the Kona apart from a number of its competitors in the classis the amount of safety equipment that is both standard and optional now for2018 things like forward collision warning and automatic emergency brakingare optional you can only get them on the higher trim levels but they’ve toldus that if you wait for the 2019 model all of those items become standard evenon the base model so they’re going to be a slight price increase for 2019 butyou’ll be able to get things like the forwardand the automatic emergency braking on a base-model instead of having to springover $25,000 for a higher trim level and for us it might be worth the wait thisis not the quietest interior that I’ve experienced in the crossover there issome wind noise around the top of the windshield and you’re getting goodamount of road noise through these 18-inch wheels and tires but overallit’s still a pleasant experience the seats are very comfortable franklythey’re supportive and if you’re driving an ultimate trim like this one you havea power 8 way adjustable driver’s seat with lumbar support as well sitting inthe kona the visibility is really quite good it’s a small SUV and so you’resitting up a little bit higher you’ve got great big windows all around therereally isn’t a problem in any direction in terms of visibility you’ve got plentyof headroom in here even though this one has the optional moonroof there’s noissue in terms of having front or back now there is a little bit of an issuewith legroom in the back it does feel kind of tight back therethere’s really not as much room as there are in some other small SUVs or evensome of Hyundai’s own products like the Elantra the interior quality is reallyquite good in fact you know most new Hyundai’s and Kias that we’ve seen thesedays they’ve really upped the interior quality game now everything in here isstill hard plastic there’s no soft touch stuff even on up high parts like on thedoor sills on the top of the dash it’s still all hard plastic but the grainingon it makes it look like it should be soft touch and as long as you’re nottouching it frankly it looks just fine this model is got thespecial paint on the outside and so it’s also got a special interior we’ve gotsome green trim rings and green piping in the seats as well now for 2018 that’sthe special color for 2019 this probably becomes orange and probably gets someupdates as well to what the interior looks like there’s a couple of differentinteriors you can choose from depending on the trim level that you’ve selectedbut there are cloth and leather options if you get a turbo engine youautomatically get leather interior as wellthe standard multimedia screen is a 7-inch touchscreen you get standardapple carplay and android auto but if you want to upgrade you can get thisthis is the 8 inch navigation screen and it comes also with the Infinity premiumaudio system which actually sounds pretty bumpy one of the reasons youmight buy a small crossover like this is for the utility of it and it does havemore cargo room than some competitors like the Jeep renegade or the ChevroletTrax but surprisingly it has less cargo room behind the second row thanHyundai’s own Veloster sports coupe so while you get a more comfortable vehicleand you get a lot more Headroom it’s not necessarily more practical in terms ofcargo so what has surprised us so much about the Hyundai Kona well it’s not howpretty it is because quite frankly it’s really not all that pretty we’re notsurprised by how roomy it is because unless you’re in the front seats reallynot all that roomy either but what has surprised us is how well it drives forhow big it is this is a really small SUV but it has a sophistication and a poiseto it when going down the road that makes it feel like a much larger moreexpensive vehicle and speaking of cost to start with it’s just over $20,000 fora base model and if you load it up with all the options like a turbo engine andall-wheel drive you’re looking at just under 30 grand out the door these are inHyundai showrooms right now and if you’d like to learn more you can read allabout it at cars. com



FIRST DRIVE: F39 BMW X2 Malaysian review – RM320k

Hi I’m Jonathan Lee from paultan. org and we’re here in sunny Portugal withthe brand-new BMW X2 – essentially an X1 coupe. So it’s got asportier, more dynamic look, aimed more at hipsters rather than young families. So, is this X2 just a marketing trick or is there actually some substanceunderneath? We’re taking it for a spin to find out. Let’s start with what’s under the bonnet. At launch there’s the sDrive20i, the xDrive20dand the xDrive25d. This one is the xDrive20dmaking 190 hp and 400 Nm of torque. The one we are gettingis the sDrive20i with a 2 litre petrol engine making 182 hpand 280 Nm of torque. This here has an 8-speed automatictransmission, the one we are getting has a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission andwhile this is four-wheel drive, the sDrive20iis front-wheel drive only. The styling is the main differentiatorsbetween this and the X1, so it’s a good job that this looks very different fromthe outside. There’s not a single piece here that is shared with the X1. At the front youhave these trapezoidal double kidney grilles which give it greater roadpresence – it’s actually a first for BMW. And then along here you have these hexagonalCorona-ring daytime running lights and full LED headlights. On the side thesewheels they measure up to 20 inches like you see here and the squared off wheelarches have an angled look to them which BMW says makes it look like it’s moving while it’sstill standing still. Then you have this roof line which is stretched andfairly low slung giving it that sort of a coupe look. You’ve got slim windows for a moredynamic look. The badges you see here they hark back to the classic BMW coupeslike the 2000 CS, the 3000 CSL and so on. On the back you havethese L-shaped LED taillights which are classically BMWthere’s a small rear window which makes it seem like it’s quite difficult to seeout of. These tailpipes they are 90 millimeters in diameterwhich BMW says is about the same size as an X6 M. Now let’s talkabout the models on offer unlike other BMWs you don’t get theSport Line or the Luxury Line. This just has the base model, and it goes straight to theM Sport pack which adds more aggressive front and rear bumpers and differentalloy wheels. There’s also for the first time on the BMW the M Sport X which isthe car that you see here with these grey highlights on the front the sideand the rear. This is not the one that we are getting, we’re getting the mid-rangeM Sport. The X2 won’t be cheap when it comes to Malaysia with an estimatedprice tag of RM320k. To put that into perspective the Mercedes-BenzGLA 250 is priced at RM270kand that’s with a more powerful engine and all-wheel drive. At least it’ll havemore kit a standard such as keyless entry, head-up display, a large touchscreen and dual zone automatic climate contro,l none of which are offered on theGLA. There are also LED headlights foglights and tail lights, hands-freepowered tailgate, powered seats with driver side memory and a reverse cameraunfortunately however you don’t get autonomous emergency braking which isunacceptable at this price range. Inside it’s kind of the same as X1 in terms ofthe design of the dashboard and so on There are a few changes though, thisdashboard is wrapped in Sensatec, which is basically BMW’s idea offake leather. There’s now an electronic gear lever thatgoes back to the same position whether it’s in reverse or drive, just like in otherBMWs. The infotainment system is the same as you’d find in the BMW 5-seriesThere is a tiled interface and live information on thehomescreen. The one that you see here is the one that we’ll be getting – it’s an8. 8-inch screen for the professional navigation system withtouch function. As with most BMWs the basics are well taken care of – the seatingposition is excellent and there’s plenty of support from the seats. There’s alsogreat visibility at the front, although the small rear window does meanthat rear visibility is impaired slightly. There’s also plenty of legroomand even though there’s a panoramic sunroof that is still enough headroomhere. Now let’s look at the back shall we?It’s in the back here where the BMW X2 struggles a bit. Headroom is actuallypretty tight and this high sill means that it feels quite claustrophobic inhere so it’s not the best if you have childrenHowever there’s plenty of legroom even with the front seat set to my drivingposition and you get air con vents and a rear armrest with dual cupholders. Open the tailgate, powered on this one you get 470 litres which is 35 litersless than the X1. However it’s still plenty big enough for all your luggageand remember if you want a more practical car there’s always the X1. Now let’s go for a drive shall we?So let’s talk about performance first. The car we are driving is an xDrive20dThe 2. 0 litre turbodiesel making 190 hp and 400 Nm oftorque. There’s an 8-speed automatic transmission driving all four wheels. With all that, 0-100is done in 7. 7 seconds and it’ll go all the way to 221 km/hIt also has a combined fuel consumption figure of between 4. 6 and4. 8 litres per 100 km. But what’s it like in thereal world? Not too bad actually. There’s a little bit of turbo lag when you’regoing down low, when it gets going it pulls cleaning all the way to theredline. Being a typical BMW turbodiesel that’s a little bit of rattle at idle, but once youget going it’s smooth and quiet. However there’s quite a lot of roadnoise and wind noise at speed so it’s not exactly the most refined car out thereWe won’t be getting this engine however. Instead we’re getting the sDrive20iwhich uses a 2. 0 litre turbo petrol engine making 192 hp and 280 Nm oftorque driving the front wheels through a 7-speed dual-clutch transmissionNow Malaysians are quite skeptical when it comes to double clutch transmissions tosay the least so we’ll have to try it out in Malaysia to see if it’s any goodMechanically the X2 rides on the same UKL platform as the X1 but with numerouschanges to make this a sportier car to drive. The body for example is 10%stiffer than the X1 and the springs dampers and anti-roll bars have beenadjusted to suit. BMW has also increased the front camber to reduce understeerThis car is also fitted with the M Sport suspension which is 10 mmlower than standard and it comes with pre-loaded bushings for bettercontrol of body movements. There’s also sports steering which has a quickerratio. Put all that together and the result is a car that really does feelquite sporty. Sure the steering may be lacking in feel but it’s quick accurateit allows you to place it exactly where you want it to be. And despite thetall ride height being that this is a crossover, there’s very little body roll, andowing to the fact that this is a four-wheel drive car, there’s very little understeerOne thing I have to say is that the ride is fairly firm. It’s not uncomfortable butyou do feel the bumps on the road even on these fairly smooth Portuguese roadsWe’ll have to try them on our pockmarked Malaysian roads to see how itfares over our potholes. So there you have it, the BMW X2. It’s certainly a capable carand while it does have a few niggles here and there that’s not such a badthing on a niche vehicle. What do you think of the looks, the specs andespecially the price? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. I’m Jonathan Lee frompaultan. org signing off, thanks for watching.



Saturday, 29 September 2018

2019 Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro Ups Its Trail Cred —

we’re here at the Chicago Auto Show or Toyota has just debuted their 2019 fulllineup of TRD pros that’s 4runner Tacoma and tundra but here we’re going to focuson the Tacoma a lot of this is going to look familiar but there are somesignificant changes the hood itself very familiar same air intake on top theToyota classic Toyota grille design is standard that’s what they had on theprevious generation but now a ton of safety gear the t SSP and a lot of thestar safety system that Toyota makes standard on all of its vehicles is nowequipped in this new TRD package still has the same quarter inch thick aluminumskid plate underneath but one thing that’s new this time around is thisdesert air intake now Toyota’s calling it a desert air intake because theydon’t want you to go river rafting or water crossing with this vehicle so theytypically don’t like to do anything with fording depths but you could cross afairly shallow stream if you wanted you because the front suspension just likeon the previous gen has about a one and a half inch extra amount of ride heightto it so coil springs are longer but the key to this entire package are the Foxshocks had bill stains before but now more high-tech more high-performance Foxshocks at all four corners here at the back end of the vehicle the Fox shocksin back have eight different they call them bypass zone so much more flexibletheoretically we’ll be able to do a lot more different things from rock crawlingto high high speed desert racing but here we have the same tire so it’s aGoodyear Wrangler it’s not any bigger than the previous generation and franklymaybe and not all that aggressive so that might be one of the first thingsthat we change out if we had this vehicle in house also Tacoma still hasdrum brakes at the rear end but what we do like we do like this gloss black tiphere at the TRD exhaust inside it’s all about the black outfi black seats on theinside front and rear red stitching around each of the seats TRD logoon the headrests and on the floor mats and even on the gearshifter one lastfeature that’s upgraded for the 2019 tacoma TRD pro is that it has theupgraded Entune JBL audio so much higher performance for a very high performancevehicle you want to know more about this vehicle go to pickup trucks calmyou



2019 Jaguar I-Pace: First Look —

we at cars calm we’re kind of a skeptical Bunch now we’ve seen a lot ofelectric concepts come and go promising out there styling and fantastic rangebut finally we found something that might melt our cold hearts here in theJaguar ipace now part of the reason that I like the I paste so much is that itactually delivers on the promise of the styling seen on the I paste concept it’sa little bit more muted because you kind of have to fit things together for aproduction version for example it has larger side mirrors because of safetyregulations but it still looks futuristic sleek and it’s a low-slungSUV which is kind of in vogue these days Jaguar is also using the eye pace todebut a few new technologies that we’ve already seen from sister brand LandRovers Range Rover velar so namely that is touch pro duo and whatthat is it’s a new multimedia and all-around system that you use tocontrol much of the functions of the car without any physical buttons you havetwo screens here in the center console and these two dials which will actuallychange functions so sometimes will be for climate sometimes they’ll change howthe car drives just it’s a way to interact with the car without actuallytouching buttons it’s not my favorite because it’s kind of hard to use whileyou’re driving but our staff is actually little bit split on that now theeyepieces plunging roof line might suggest that there isn’t much room forbackseat passengers but that’s not the case there’s a lot of headroom here andyou also get a giant glass roof which will have a ton of light into the cabinand make everyone feel a little bit more comfortable one more cool feature in theback row there behind these seats here there are these two ports now Jaguarwill actually sell you different accessories so you can plug things inthere whether it be like a tablet holder or maybe even a coat rack and there’salso four USB ports back here which can be all used at the same time and thatgives this car eight total so if you own a ton of devices you can charge them allat the same time now the final important figure for the ipace is price now it’sgoing to start right at around $70,000 before any federal tax credits thatundercuts is chief competitor the Tesla Model X by about 10 grand and if youwant an even higher trim of the Tesla it’s gonna cost you way more moneyspeaking of way mo Jaguar has also entered into agreement with theself-driving company way mo and they’re going to provide up to 20,000 AI pacesfor their self-driving fleet and those will start to hit the road at around2020you



2018 BMW M5 Review —

if you’re not used to seeingexorbitantly priced BMWs then $130,000as tested price of this 2018 m5 may giveyou heart palpitations but it shouldn’tthat’s very similarly priced tocompetitors in other super sedans likethe Mercedes Benz AMG c63 and a superhatchback like the Audi rs7 but stillwhat does $130,000 gets you five andwhat does it do for that much money whenwe spend a week driving the m5 to findout the m5 starts at one hundred andfour thousand dollars with destinationand gas guzzler tax ours just has$25,000 worth of optional equipment onething you won’t have to pay extra forthough is this Marina Bay metallic bluepaint and it is a head-turner it’s whatmade this m5 stand out we got a bunch ofthumbs ups and they do nice carand a lot of that is because of thiscolor it has this depth in metallicshine to it in the daylight that I don’tthink you’d get the same response if itwere silver black or white now for thegood stuff the 600 horsepower under thehood of the new m5 and this 600horsepower is perhaps the most refinedway 600 horsepower has ever beendelivered it’s smooth its linear andthere’s no such thing as turbo lag inthis car and with the standard all-wheeldrive you have 0 to 60 in 3. 2 secondsyes it’s smooth and luxurious butthere’s there’s still something missingit feels restraint it’s like BMWs at theend of the night and it’s tie is stillright up there under its collar itdoesn’t really feel like it’s let loose100% and honestly I think a lot of thathas to do with the exhaust somethingthat’s easily changeable after you buytheas its it’s a Porsche Panamera P 63 AMGthey have this booming loud exhaust whenyou change into those optional modes theBMW just doesn’t have that effect and Ithink it’s where the m5 goes turned upvery BMW wish but I think I’d like tohave that option just to take it upanother notch there are an overwhelmingthan good ways to control that 600horsepower there are individual settingsfor engine throttle sensitivitysuspension firmness steering firmnesstransmission programming stabilitycontrol and new for 2018 you can evenadjust the new all-wheel drive systemnow that all-wheel drive previous m5didn’t have it was real wall drive onlyand the automatic transmission that’sadjustable here well that’s your onlytransmission choice for 2018 the manualtransmission option is gone and honestlyI’m glad to see that because that oldmanual transmission did not improve howthe m5 drove it was just the sloppymanual transmission experience and thisnew automatic is very very good but thatall-wheel drive you can choose two-wheeldrive all wheel drive or a sportall-wheel drive option so each one ofthese modes you have three engineoptions three suspension options threesteering options three transmissionoptions three all-wheel drive optionsmultiple stability control systemoptions and exhaust option overwhelmingit’s exactly what this is so BMWsimplifies that and perhaps the best wayout of any of these super sedans andthat’s with the m1 and m2 buttons on thesteering wheelthese are programmable buttons and youcan set them up so m1 is strictlycomfort this has the softest suspensionsetting the fishing engine setting theleast offensive transmission mode andthen all-wheel drive and who can be setup for exactly the opposite so you haveaggressive engine the firmest suspensionthe firm is steering option and twowheel drive which and two wheel driveyou have to turn off the stabilitysystem and by having it programmed in m2it’s already done so you have one buttonfor m1 and onefor em – and that’s how I drove the m5in the m1 button how I have it set upand its most relaxed efficient drivingthis drives like a normal 5 Seriesit really does it’s very hard to tellthere’s 600 horsepower in m2and with rear-wheel drive it is acompletely different vehiclebut I’m not totally convinced there’s abig difference between 2 wheel drive andfour wheel drive on this car it doesn’tmagically take away the weight that theall-wheel drive adds and there’s still alot of mass on the front end of this carit’s very hard to tell the differenceunless you’re driving at the limit so ifyou have access to a drift pet or on theracetrack I’m sure that two-wheel drivesetting will let you get much moresquirrelly than with the all-wheel drivebut for just tooling around town andtaking some curvy roads I didn’t noticea big difference between the 2 wheeldrive and the all-wheel drive on thiscar so where is the extra 25 thousanddollar spent on this car well you’relooking at about 10 thousand of it righthere with the optional carbon ceramicbrakes that are 8500 and the 706 mwheels and 20-inch summer tires that are$1,300 now these carbon ceramic brakesif you’re spending a lot of time on theracetrack you know get these but ifyou’re not there squeaky they’re grabbyeven when they’re hot and I’m not surethat the weight savingsrotational mass is really worth it whenyou’re pulling up to of valet and theirbrakes are squeaking and you have toexplain to everybody who’s sittingoutside having a nice meal why you’revery pretty car is making all of theseawful noises do people care what carbonceramic brakes are probably not so it’san option you probably want to skip onthis one if you’re not doing a lot ofheavy-duty track driving other packagesthat rack up the bill on the m5 are notunique to them five at all they’reavailable on the regular five seriesthat includes the driving assistanceplus package for seventeen hundreddollars with active driving assistanceplus now if you plan to spend any amountof time in the car on the road justregular commuting or a road trip hereand there then consider getting thatpackage it has BMW semi autonomousdriving features and while you do haveto have your hand on the wheel it’sgonna hold the car in its lane it’sgonna stop and go semi autonomous Lee intraffic and is really just a greatassist to have for $4,000 the executivepackage gives you soft clothes automaticdoors rear sunshades front ventilatedseats front and rear heated seats fourzone climate control front massagingseats parking assistance plus wirelesscharging Wi-Fi hotspot’ enhanced USB andbluetooth active participants controlrear view camera but what’s really gonnaimpress people in the car out of theexecutive package is the surround viewwith 3d viewthere are numerous cameras around thecar and you can have this 360 degreeview at ground level what’s around thecar it’s useful and it’s one of thosegee-whiz features the last two bigticket items on this option sheet arethe $3,400 Bowers & Wilkins sound systemand the $2,500 M drivers package now itsounds like a package you would wantright M drivers package got to give mebetter steering better tires optionalsway bars but there’s no hardware at allthe M drivers package is actually aone-day drivers training course througha BMW facility and it raises the topspeed from 155 miles an hour to 178miles an hour honestly I think you canskip that package too for drivertraining you don’t find a road coursearound your area that has highperformance driving days there arealmost always instructors there andthey’re probably not more than a fewhundred dollars and it’s for the topspeed well if you’re going to a localtrack I don’t think you’re gonna comeanywhere near that 155 mile an hourspeed limit unless your local track isCircuit of the Americas or Road Americaso while this BMW has $25,000 worth ofoptions the Bolton puts buildingstandard and it doesn’t need all ofthose options to be BMWs that a sedan



2019 Hyundai Santa Fe: First Drive —

hi there we’re here in Utah with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Feit’s the redesigned version of Hyundai’s midsize two row SUV and it replaces theSanta Fe sport in Hyundai’s lineup it’s a little bit bigger than the Santa Fesport overall and Hyundai has packed it with a lot of standard active safetyfeatures this is our first chance to drive the vehicle so let’s go for a ridewe’ve been driving the Santa Fe for a little bit on the roads outside of ParkCity Utah and the initial theme I’m getting is that this is a very smoothvehicle and it comes through in a lot of different ways and I think that’s theright tuning for it because you see in some SUVs where automakers really fourcould focus on sportiness Hyundai I think has found a good balance here inthis focus on smoothness we’re in a model with the optional 2-literfour-cylinder engine and it’s a very smooth revving engine it gets up tospeed quickly and easily highway passing power drops off a little bit it workswith an 8-speed automatic transmission and again it makes smooth shifts it’svery unobtrusive and it’s willing to make part throttle kick downs easilyit’s a responsive transmission that feeling of smoothness comes through inthe steering too it doesn’t offer a ton of feedback but the car steers welloverall and it rides well overall – it’s not too firmly sprung one of the thingsthat Hyundai focused on when redesigning the Santa Fe was improving itsvisibility and you know from driving it just now you can you can really see howthey’ve done that the car has really thin eight pillars the front roof pillarand that really helps you have a good view forward they’ve movedthe side mirrors to the door so there’s better visibility at the base of thedoor and even over shoulder views when checking your blind spotthose are good if they’re relatively unobstructed so we’re testing right nowa high-end ultimate trim level of the Santa Fe it has the optional turbo forceover like I mentioned all-wheel drive and the as tested price is nearly$40,000 but the Santa Fe starts at around twenty five thousand five hundreddollars and at that base level you get all the important active safety featureslike automatic emergency braking blind spot warning lane keeping assist of rearcross traffic alert adaptive cruise control it’s a long list of features andone of the features you can feel it really makes itself known when drivingand that’s the lane keeping function because as we’ve been driving on thesewinding roads you feel it following the road it’s it’s keeping track of wherethe lane is it’s it’s not intrusive but it’s definitely present another thingHyundai changed in the redesigned Santa Fe are the seats they have differentdensities of foam and with firmer foam for the bolsters and kind of a mediumfoam for the seat bottoms and their comfort is OKthe seats are wide so they’re not too restrictive which is nice but the bottomcushion in the backrest feel a little flat to me and not particularly sculptedHyundai included a bit of light off-roading on the drive route with thehill climb up a dirt trail we arrived at the hill just as a hail storm waspassing through but we stopped put the Santa Fe in 4×4 lock mode and thenpowered up the hill about a quarter of the way up I could feel it start to slipa bit but then I felt the rear wheels engageand the rest of the Hill is fine so inside the Santa Fe features a restyleddashboard that gets the tablet-style display screen that we’re seeing on moreand more Hyundai’s it’s it’s kind of on top of the dash propped out a little bitand below it are simple controls for the air conditioning system and otherfeatures in the car so the Santa Fe offers a number ofupscale features and those include a head-up display wireless device chargingfor your smartphone heated and cooled front seats this huge panoramic moonroofand a 360-degree camera system for enhanced visibility the rear seat uses a60/40 split design and both sections can slide forward and backwards so if youwant to share space with the cargo area or have more legroom you can do that andthe seats also recline if you prefer to kind of lean back a little bit and lookout the panoramic sunroof it’s a comfortable spot for adult passengers onabout 6 feet tall and the seats are high enough to offer decent thigh supportit’s not too low to the ground so the cargo area is a good-size space withoutany significant intrusions and it does have two underfloor storage areasthere’s this back one here it has this little space on the left-hand side and abigger cargo space under the forward portion which has these deep bins whichis kind of nice and you want to keep anything out of the way and hidden ifyou need even more space than that there’s buttons on the side thatpressing down releases the second row seats and they fold flat with the cargofloor automakers have been adding a lot of SUVs to their lineup slightly to meetconsumer demand especially small models but the mid-size class has held prettysteady with not a lot of new competitors for models like the Santa Fe but that’sabout to change as chevrolet is poised to reintroduce its blazer as a crossoverSUV and honda is promising a new passport model to compete as well so thenew santa fe is here at the right time it’s arriving at dealerships right nowand it should offer a lot of value especially considering its long list ofactive safety featuresyou



FIRST RIDE: Kawasaki Versys-X 250 Malaysian review – RM24k

Hi everyone, this is Mohan from paultan. org and we are here today with the Versys-X 250Now the 250 scene in Malaysia is fairly crowdedyou’ve got naked bikes, you’ve got sports bikes and now you have Kawasaki’sdual-purpose sports touring bikeNow the quarter-litre class is very popular in Malaysia simply because youonly need a B2 license to ride it, and almost everyone has a B2 license anywaySo in this case for the Versys-X 250, Kawasaki is positioning it as a commuter bikeas a bike you can take long and short trips on. At RM23,789the Versys-X 250 comes in right with the Ninja 250 in Kawasaki’s rangeWhat is different is you get a 19-inch front wheel and taller suspension which givesthe bike an entirely different character despite the fact that both bikes use the same engineThe Versys-X 250 carries a 249 cc parallel-twin which puts out 34 PSand 21. 7 Nm of torque. Gearbox is a 6-speed affair and at thefront you can see that the exhaust pipes take a very weird bend – this is becausethe engine is tuned for torque more than top-end horsepowerThe Versys-X 250 follows the design language of the other Versys bikes in the range – the 1,000 and the 650Up front you’ve got a single halogen headlight, nothing fancy herewith LEDs or DRLs. You’ve got a non-adjustable windshieldwhich does provide a fair amount of wind protection when you’re ridingThere’s only one colour option for the Versys-X 250 – the green that you see here and it doeslook a lot larger than it is for a 250. The plastic fairing molds into the 17-litrefuel tank and we found that the fuel tank does give us a fair amount ofrange – almost close to 400 km. The Versys-X 250 comes with something most250s don’t have – a centre stand. At the back you’ve got a bracket and a rack whichmakes the Versys-X ready to accept a top box. The brakes on the Versys-X do not have ABSwhich we feel is a bit of a shortcoming at this price pointNissin calipers do the job up front, grabbing 295 mm petal discThe front suspension is non adjustable, conventional telescopic forks while therear monoshock is adjustable for preload. The seat on the Versys-X is fairlycomfortable and there’s a reasonable amount of fore and aft spaceThere’s adequate support for the riders behind and seat height is 815 millimetersThe cockpit of the Versys-X is conventionalyou’ve got an analogue tachometer and a digital speedometer, together with an LCDreadout giving you the odometer, fuel gauge, clock, etc. The handlebar pods onthe X 250 are conventional, however there’s the inclusion of a hazard light switchOne thing we did like about the X 250 were the mirrors – they give a verygood view of the back and eliminate a lot of the blind spotsInside the instrument panel you will find two blanks: on the left for the 12-volt power socketand on the right for the riding lights – neither of which are fitted for the Malaysian marketSo that’s the numbers, that’s the technical detailsthat’s the fit out for the Versys-X 250. But what is this bike like to ride?Set up as a commuter machine, as an all-around machine, we expect a lot from itSetting off on the Versys-X 250 is easy as. The clutch effort is very verylight and the six-speed gearbox is smooth – there are no false neutrals to befound in this box and every gear clicks in with confidence. The Versys-X 250needs to be revved to get the best out of it – the red line is at 12,000 rpm andthings only start happening in the engine room above 7,000 rpm. The fuel injection on the Versys-X 250 is smooth and power delivery is linear. It’s verycontrollable and it’s good if you’re new to bikes. The handling on the X 250 tookus by surprise – high speed work, low speed work, therewere no complaints from us about the way the bike handled. Dropping it intocorners at highway speeds, the bike felt fairly stable and there was no weave orwobble to be felt. When we built the speed up a bit we found the X 250 to bestable in a straight line and fairly comfortable actually. For a dual-purposesports tourer the X 250 puts the rider in a commanding position which is verycomfortable over medium distances. Vibration on the X 250 was quite goodthere was a certain amount of buzz in the handlebars and the pegs but it wassomething we could live with. Braking effort from the single front disc wasadequate – we did wish for a little bit more stopping power but at this pricepoint you can’t really ask for muchAnd that’s our review of the 2017 Kawasaki Versys-X 250. So who needs aquarter-liter dual-purpose sports tourer? If you’re new to the sport or comingback after a long layoff, or if you are just looking for something to run abouttown on, the X 250 makes a very good choice – it’s got fairly good handlingit’s got good comfort and reasonable braking. However, it’s a shame it doesn’tcome with ABS, otherwise it would score a lot higher on our listI’m Mohan, thank you for watching, please read the full review on paultan. org



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Friday, 28 September 2018

FIRST LOOK: 2018 Honda Odyssey facelift in Malaysia – RM255k

Hey everybody, my name is Hafriz Shah from paultan. organd there we have the new Honda Odyssey facelift, just launched in Malaysia for RM255,000That is a little bit more than the old car which was launchedin 2013 at KLIMS13. Do this is not a brand new car, it’s merely afacelift. But what do you get for that money? Well at first in the front you geta slightly updated new look. The grille is slightly different, this ispractically taken from the Honda City, and at the bottom they are now fourslats instead of three, so there’s a bit more dark chrome down here. And if yousee the bottom, there’s also a "U" chrome that underlines the whole front look. That’s a lot of chrome, but there’s still less chrome compared to, say,the Toyota Alphard and the Vellfire, so it’s understated compared to those models. The headlamps are still using LED main beam, but the high beam is still halogensSomehow this does not get the full LED functions like on the on the Accord andthe Honda CR-V What it does get are these LED front fog lamps. And if you see the whole front as a whole, it’s quite a sporty looking MPV,definitely not a box people carrier. On the side you get brand new 17-inch alloywheels, multi-spoke dual tone alloys, and on theside you get this really cool body kit to make the car look more sporty, dynamicand pretty cool I suppose. It’s also a very very long car, it’s four point eightmeters long and the wheelbase alone is 2. 9 meters long. Also, this car alsogets the full Honda Sensing suite so at the top you get a cameraand the front also has a radar so this car gets the full adaptive cruisecontrol, Lane keep assist and also autonomous emergency braking like onthe Honda CR-V and Honda Accord Sensing. So that’s pretty cool, that’s somethingnew for this Odyssey facelift. Under the hood is the exact same engineand transmission as before, a 2. 4 litre naturally-aspirated four-cylinder enginetogether with a CVT transmission that’s exactly the same as before, so let’s move on. Under here are a pair of 360-degree cameras, and the doors are powered, bothleft and right. What’s not powered is the rear tailgate, so it’s bit of a shame fora car this of price, RM255,000, it’s not powered. In any case the rear is alsoslightly updated. The full LED rear taillamps get slightly revised graphicswith this thick LED bars, and in the old version this entire center parthere had the whole Odyssey lettering. For now they’ve moved the lettering downthere and as a whole this car looks slightly more classy than beforeOn the inside not much has changed. It still has very decent qualityplastics, same exact steering wheel, same centre unit and the same dual zoneclimate control air conditioning. The seats are again in black leather, butwhile the old model only had power on the front driver seat,now the front passenger seat also gets power adjustments. Slightly new is thisbigger, more comfortable, more supportive head rests and that also extends to therear where it gets these wider more supportive head rests. But as a whole you cantell that this car is a five, six year old design because it still uses old-schoolfoot operated parking brake. What’s new is this – it hasa much thicker much wider centre armrest so yeah when you drive you can rest yourwhole elbow there, feel slightly more comfortable. Also new is this for HondaSensing suite. There’s Lane Keep Assist, Autonomous emergency braking andof course standard electronic stability controlThere’s also adaptive cruise control buttons right thereOn the side you get camera buttons for a full aerial view of this model360-degree camera and in the middle here there’s now a slightly moremodern looking darker wood trim compared to the much brighter wood trim ofthe previous pre-facelift model. As a whole the quality is very decent, as youcan see there it’s slightly soft touch, especially the centre console over hereis nice and soft, but you’re not talking about premium levelsof luxury here. In the back here as you can see if you usethis car as a four-seater there’s loads amount of the leg room. Like I said theseats are slightly modified with thicker, wider, more supportive headrests. This iscloser to what you get in the Toyota Alphard and Vellfire and as you can seethe centre row is strictly for two. This car is technically a seven-seater,you can fit three in the back row but effectively it is a six-seater so two infront two in the middle and two in the backThere are three headrests for three people in the back but you’ll fit justtwo for them to be more comfortable. Now an MPV is all about the space right, solet’s see how large how spacious this car is. Now we have two adults herenormal sized, Mr. Jonathan Lee and Hafiz. Let’s go in. The last row is very easilyaccessible, the centre row just slides very easily and yeah as you can see over thereIt fits Mr. Jonathan Lee, how tall are you?I am 173. 173 cm with decent amount of legroom. 182 cm, also with this decent am ofount legroom so there you goa very decent MPV indeed. Now let’s take a look at the boot area. With allthe seats up there’s not much space, you can fit a couple of backpacks in therebut you can also fold the rear seats down, but it’s not a very easy processso let’s see me do it. As you can see it’s a very difficult long process. There’s like seven stepsthere that you have to follow, and the lock that holds the seat down is a verymanual, mechanical latch over here so yeah. But having done that you get anabsolutely massive rear boot space. This is even bigger than what you get in acomparably sized, say, Kia Grand Carnival. This is massive and if youwant extra space can also push the centre row all the way forward, push thebackrest down and this works as a huge cargo van. So there you have it, the newHonda Odyssey launched in Malaysia for RM255,000. It looks slightly different, it now has extra safety features inHonda Sensing but its price is slightly higher than before at RM255,000. What do you think of this car, do you think it’s new, fresh enough to go against itsbigger rivals like the Toyota Alphard, Vellfire,and even the Kia Grand Carnival. Let us know in the comments below. This you meHafriz Shah from paultan. org, thank you for watching.



FIRST LOOK: 2018 Volvo XC60 in Malaysia – RM299k-RM343k

The Volvo XC60 is finally available in Malaysia just one year after it made itsdebut at the Geneva Motor Show in March last year. Actually it’s less than oneyear and that’s pretty quick by any measure. What we have here is thetop-of-the-line T8 Twin Engine Inscription Plus and it’s fully importedfrom Sweden priced at RM374,000. It looks like the XC90 but this isobviously smaller and it goes against the BMW X3, Audi Q5 and Mercedes-Benz GLCThis one here is fully kitted and comes with the Bowers & Wilkins sound systemand it undercuts the locally assembled XC90 by a full RM40kdespite being a CBU unit. Before we start talking about this car the model thatyou should really be interested in is the locally assembled XC60 which will beavailable starting in April. The good news is you can start placing yourbookings today and there will be three versions available for you to chooseThe CKD lineup starts with the entry-level T5 Momentum that’s priced at RM299,000But unlike before, there’s no T6, going up instead to the T8 – an engine that will be offered in two trims whichis the Inscription and Inscription Plus models. It’s also worthy to note that thenew T5 is RM30k more expensive than the old T5 modelPricing for the top spec CKD XC60 is at RM343k ora full RM30k cheaper than this unit right here. Specs wise itwill be by and large the same except that the CKD versions will lose out onair suspension and as an added bonus all variants including the base T5 Momentumwill get all-wheel-drive compared to the old one which was only available infront-wheel drive. So if the CKD batch is coming who then is gonna buy this car?Simple. For those who can afford it and want to be the first to own it andbefore you register your interest in the CBU unit, I just want to tell you that allunits have been spoken for so might as well just go for the CKD unitLets first start talking about the most interesting bit of the car that is theplug-in hybrid engine. Under the bonnet or rather under this soft-touch enginecover is a road tax-friendly 2 litre four-cylinder engine and it’sthe exact same one found in the XC90 and S90 T8. That means it gets 407 horsepowerand 640 Newton meters of torque making it even more powerful than the AMG-poweredGLC 43 which is a RM540k car that comes with a 3. 0 litre twin-turbo V6Primary propulsion comes from a twincharged engine which means it gets aturbocharger and a supercharger for a more linear power delivery the enginealone makes 320 horsepower and 400 Newton meters of torque and it’scomplemented by a secondary engine in the form of an electric motor which ismounted on the rear axle. Marry the two engines together and you get 407horsepower and 640 Newton meters of torque. It’s incredibly powerful no doubts aboutthat and in fact it’s the most powerful SUV in its class. Together with an8-speed automatic this 0-100 sprint is done in 5. 3 seconds and it will goonward to 230 km/h as its top speed. Now it’s crazy because this car weighs 2. 1 tonnes. Now that’s really impressive. For those of you who are new to the volvoway of doing things the T8 badge means it’s a plug-in hybridand one way of knowing is through this charging port right herethe XC60 is equipped with a 10. 4 kilowatt hour battery pack thatoffers a cruising range of up to 45 kilometers when fully charged and it’sneatly tucked away in the center tunnel meaning boot space is not compromised at allVolvo says it takes anywhere between two to seven hours to charge up thebattery depending on the charger that you use but most of us just charge itovernight like we do with our cell phones anywaythere’s regenerative charging as well and you can even prompt the engine tofunction as a generator to recharge the battery but you end up using extra fuelnow let’s talk about the exterior. It’s basically a shrunken down version of theXC90 and it still looks really really goodit’s visually less commanding of course because of its smaller size but there isno mistaking this for anything other than a Volvo when you see this on the roadHere we get a nice bold Inscription grille with the Iron Mark badgeFull adaptive LED lights with Thor’s hammer daytime running lights, front parkingsensors and a forward facing camera and radar system for the incrediblyextensive Volvo Intellisafe safety system. Round the side it gets 19-inch10-spoke diamond-cut alloy wheels which look eerily similar to the S90sDoor mounted side mirrors with signal indicators and a camera down here aswell as nice metal work down here to complement this beautiful chrome stripover at the back again unmistakably Volvo. This nice-looking L-shaped LEDstrip outlines the rear proportion and forms the taillights and unlike the XC90the LED strip stretches all the way towards the center like the V90, you knowjust in case you can’t tell that it’s an XC60. One more thing I really likeabout this car is the way the exhaust looks and how it fits to the overalllook of the car but upon closer inspection you’ll find the real pipe inthe center so this isn’t a real deal. If you think the XC60 looks veryfamiliar on the outside then in here is pretty much a carbon copy of the XC90and S90. everything from the steering wheel the instrument cluster the dashlayout the head unit and even this media control is really as close as it getseven the controls down here there with the layout and the switches and the buttonseven the cubby holders are similar. There are however a few exceptions. The middlesection of the dash is a little different and this whole piece ofdriftwood trim is crafted from a single piece of wood. Real wood. This thin stripof chrome outlining the wood just adds another touch of class. As you can expectfrom a car in this class and price range the quality of materials used throughoutcabin is pretty solid. You’ve got soft touch plastics here and here as well as downhere with some leather and nothing really feels out of place, cheap or tackyeverything is just really really nice. With the Inscription Plus you get a15-speaker Bowers & Wilkins sound system with 10 channel Class D amplifierIt’s standard here with the CBU unit but if you want this in the CKD version, make sureto go for the Inscription Plus, and not the Inscription. This option alone costsRM10k but this is something you and all yourpassengers even your deaf grandparents will really enjoyso the standard equipment here or any other XC60s for that matter would bethis nine-inch Sensus connect screen head unit diamond cut twist to startknob and drive mode selector, dual zone climate control and powered leather seatsthe Inscription trim gets this big panoramic glass roof, beautiful crystalgear knob made by Swedish glass maker Orrefors, paddle shifters and powerfolding rear seats. by the way the leather seat can be held in two colorscharcoal or maroon brown. Now let’s check out the back seats. Back here as you cansee space is pretty decent. It’s probably not as spacious as the GLC but I don’t thinkanyone’s gonna complain I’ve got the seats adjusted to my driving positionand you see I’ve got at least two knuckles worth of space hereHeadroom as well not too bad window opening pretty large so you don’tfeel claustrophobic in this back seat right here and you’ve also got a nicearmrest that stick out better than a Bentley Bentayga. But there’s one thingI have to point out about this car is the footwell down here – notice how thetwo mounts for the rails for the seats to move front and back, it’s getting inthe way of the foot well so you don’t get as much space for your feetThis centre hump on the other hand is not a problem it’s a very common SUV thing andthe battery is built in here. There’s no centre air vents here but it’s built intothe B pillars which could be enough I guess. Unfortunately there’s nointegrated booster seats back here but you do get ISOfix mounting pointsdown here but let me show you one thing I really really like about this carunderneath this seat is an opening for you to keep large items such as a iPad Minior a large iPad would fit there no problem why because they canAs for practicality, this car’s boot space is just a little bit bigger than the older modelhere it gets 505 liters of space but the older car had 495 litres. It’s notclass-leading that’s for sure but the Mercedes GLC and upcoming BMW X3 bothget 550 litres of space but you know it’s still decent, plus you can fold therear seats down to make room to fit more stuff in here. Models with air suspensionget to lower the rear axle via the two buttons right here. Lastly, all XC60scome with Volvo’s full range of safety technologies as standard and nothingelse out there comes close to what this guy offers. There’s City Safety, detectionfor pedestrian and cyclist and large animals, lane-keeping aid, blind spotmonitoring and a number of active features that make sure you stay withinyour lane when you’re driving. With the inscription however you get an extrafeature called Pilot Assist which automatically accelerates and brakes foryou when driving at up to speeds of 130 km/h. And every purchase of the XC60comes with a five-year unlimited mileage warranty packageOverall the XC60 is priced just a little bit higher than some cars in its classmost notably the Mercedes-Benz GLC 250, but it does come with a whole lot more kitWhat do you think of the car let us know in the comment section belowThis has been Matthew thank you for watching and as usual I’ll see you in the next one



We Take a Deep Dive Into the Tesla Model 3 —

few car companies have created quite as much buzz in recent history as TeslaCalifornia automaker responsible mostly for very expensive and very fast carslike the Model S and the Model X but here we are with the all-new model 3 nowthis is the Tesla that’s more affordable this is the Tesla that competes withsort of bread-and-butter luxury sports sedans like the BMW 3-series and they’resaying these Benz C Class but there’s still a lot that’s different about itand we’re gonna take you through that well start off with size and styling nowthe model 3 unlike the Model S is a lot shorter you can tell there’s tighteroverhangs it’s about a foot and a half shorter bumper-to-bumper than the ModelS now speaking of bumper this front one here you can tell there’s no grille thisbeing an electric car doesn’t need as much ventilation there is someventilation down here but just a very simple face similar to what you see onthe Model S you come around at the side there’s a lot of cameras if you lookclosely there’s one here behind the front fender there’s another camera uphere on the B pillar overall Tesla says there’s eight cameras 12 ultrasonicsensors and forward-facing radar built into every single Model 3 even thoughsome of these aren’t even turned on yet Tesla says they’re supposed to enablethe car to have kind of full autonomy full self driving capabilities underTesla’s auto pilot program at some point in the future now come around to theback some cool stuff here the model 3 unlike the Model S is a traditionalsedan but this trunk here the way it comes up gives you a lot of access tothe trunk because the trunk lid actually look how far it rises it just kind ofcomes all the way out of kind of halfway down the seat pillar right there butjust gives you a lot more access back there now there’s no spare tire insteadthere’s just kind of well down here where Tesla has some charging hardwareall of that hardware is gonna plug in right here to the charge port to get upto the roof every Model 3 has a glass roof standard underneath it the rearpassengers really can pretty much see everything up there it’s similar to whatyou get in the Model X facing forward three that’s the visibility you getlooking back now a clear section over the front seats is optional if you don’tget that there’s actually just headliner material here we’re told even though theglass roof above that remains as you look around here in the model three it’svery simple some might think it’s actually too austere but as far asmaterials quality and consistency I mean everything is really up to snuff to whatyou’d get in some of these other cars in kind of the thirty and forty thousanddollar price range it’s just in terms of graining and soft stuff where your armsand your elbows and your knees kind of land now all the action happens throughthis 15 inch horizontal display your distinct from the 17 inch verticaldisplay in the Model S because that also accompanies sort of a gauge display overhere not the case in the model three everything happens through herealthough the left side of the display has we’re told things like thespeedometer all your driving instruments over you’re kind of within your line ofsight this is sort of your home screen here Google Maps right here veryresponsive it all works through a 4G LTE connection and pretty much everythingelse but the kitchen sink is in here everything from volume to you know phonecontrols to climate whatever you want to do there there’s even some very coolstuff in terms of what you can control the air vents for example I meanpassengers and kind of control the direction of the air vents which by theway are all up here along the dashboard itself kind of embedded and you caneither create two of them or you can put them together and just have onedirection kind of moving around speaking of all these features some of the stuffthat you’d expect physical controls for there aren’t any because they’rerepurposed from these steering wheel controls which can do various thingsincluding obviously a stereo volume and tuning but they can also do things likelet’s see if I can figure this out mirror adjustments yeah there you go sobasically you can use these controls you have to use these controls to changeyour mirror angles a steering wheel column if you want to go up or down withthe steering column you use the controls again to do that just lots of stuffembedded into this screen you know I’m sure that you’ve learned it eventuallybut right here at first glance seems like there’s just a lot of learningyou’d have to do even just getting into the car now a few features thatcuriously are missing for such a high tech car apple carplay Androidand wireless smartphone charging none of those are available in the model 3 Teslasays among the few controls that aren’t embedded in this screen are windowswitches here and a button to get out of the car that activates the door handlebasically there’s an override lever here in case it’s not working for some reasonto get back into the car there’s manual door handles on the outside as opposedto kind of the ones that motor out toward you to present themselves in theModel S and the Model X now the model 3 being an electric car doesn’t have allthe drivetrain architecture so what you don’t get is a floor hump here acrossthe floor lots of room to kind of stretch out for rear passengers I’m 6feet tall that’s about where I’d sit to drive and I’ve got like really goodlegroom left over here we do wish the seat set a little bit higher off theground though I’d kind of just think I’m squatting here overall though if it’s athigher that would mean that over bumps in the road my head might hit this glassceiling which looks pretty cool probably doesn’t feel very goodnow the model 3 has had a very slow roll out painfully slow if you’re waiting inline for one of these cars but Tesla says it’s finally started to get throughthe initial rollout to Tesla employees and now it’s selling them as we speak toTesla owners current Tesla owners are actually getting deliveries of this carand people who don’t own a Tesla we’re new Tesla owners they’re still waitingbut hopefully that wait will kind of start to move along sooner rather thanlater how long is that wait well if you signed up right now and put down adeposit test Assessors a roughly 12 to 18 month to wait for the model 3 andcars that are actually close to its $35,000 starting price before taxincentives that’s going to be kind of toward the tail end so far what we’relooking at so still a lot of waiting to do stay tunedyou



2019 Ram 1500: First Impressions

we’re here at the Detroit Auto Show where RAM is showing their all-new 2019Ram 1500 now there’s a lot to talk about here because this is a brand new vehiclelet’s get started we’re here with this limited-edition Ram 1500 but on allthese vehicles brand new design inside and out on the outside you’ll noticethat we have a new hood with different power bulges also the grills completelydifferent grilles on each of the seven trim packages headlights are going to becompletely determined by what trim package you have halogen LED ordifferent sensor packages you might want as well to here on the side of the hoodis where you’re going to be identified as a half-ton pickup truck with theengine choice underneath as far as the wheels there’s more than 16 I thinkmaybe 18 different wheel choices depending on trim and option packagesand here you can see on the side as well to here very clear and distinct todifferent line cuts to try to keep it very symmetrical all the way back thisis the crew cab model that’s now four inches longer even the bed itself is aninch and a half taller so it more evenly connects and lines up with the cabconfiguration here at the back end brand new tail light design as well againdepending on what trim package you have and what options you want and thetailgate can be dropped from the inside with a push of a button or from the keyfob one final design detail here at the back end of the truck a brand new morechiseled Rams head but designers have kept the are AM lettering here on theback with the rebel package in fact the rebel package the more sporty ER of thetrim levels still has the big wheels and tires still has the taller suspensionlift on it’s about one inch higher whether you get the brand new coilsprings availability on the rebel package or you get the four corner airsuspension but the big news quad cab configuration here on the rebel willmake this a much shorter wheelbase and much more sporty or vehicle to take onthe trails but here’s the big design change here you get the power the powerbulge hood so this is brand new still has the vents just like the Mopar sporthood from the previous generation but nowidentifies this rebel as a half-ton here up up on here up on top and also whatengine is underneath finally here at the grillyou have the very familiar swoop over the RAM lettering but this is acompletely redesigned bumper and skid plate if you’re looking for something alittle more Street stealthy maybe this Laramie sport black packages is whatyou’re interested in it’s got the sport hood it’s got a black out front grillestill has the big Ram lettering but you get black inserts here in the headlightsyou get unique wheels you also get blackout mirrors door handles and alsoon the tailgate you get the blackout design here the Rams head but alsoblackout four inch dual tailpipes for power trains they’re gonna offer mildhybrids both for the 3. 6 liter Pentastar v6 and the 5. 7 liter Hemi that’s whatthis is right here this is the motor generator a 48 volt system that actuallyhas a 300 watt battery pack that allows this new pickup truck to have start/stopcapability and to provide 90 foot pounds of additional torque with the v6 and ahundred and thirty additional foot-pounds of torque for the 5. 7 literv8 the frame itself this is all new it’s fully boxed it’s got these splayed framerails here in the front so it has better front head and collision crash-testingand offset crash testing it’s got these tire breaker bars here in the back but Idon’t want to forget this either upper control arms here on the frontsuspension these are composite lower a arms are aluminum the entire weightsavings on this brand new frame is about 90 pounds when you compare it with the2018 model Ram half-ton pickup truck still has the same number of crossmembers this particular example has the four corner air suspension where youhave the compressor tanks here in the back and here at the back a muchstronger crossmember configuration here where you have the tow hitch now it’scapable of towing a maximum 12700 pounds a lot of big changes herein the interior as well brand-new gauge cluster here anInformation Center here for the driver tilt and telescoping steering wheelvery cool reconfiguring storage area here almost looks like a giant monsterminivan storage bin but the big story a completely redone information screenhere that can control all of your AC your radio your climates and evenprovide some Netflix Lite ordering features that you can do if you sign upfor the Sirius XM 360 l package but this is a very cool gigantic screen that youhave and also new leather materials dual storage bins here in the glove boxes andlet’s take a look in the back a lot of changes there too here in the back ofthe crew cab you can get a completely flat load floor and you can get anoptional heated and cooled seats for rear passengers you’ve got the RAM binbut now it’s twice as large as it was before and the seats themselves havethis amazing center console here plenty of storage cupholders also the seatsthemselves and slide forward so I get an eighth degree recline here if I want togo to sleep over these long-haul trips but very cool let’s take a lookunderneath you get even more storage in fact if you need a little bit more thanthis a couple flips put that up now great place to store fishing polesanother great interior feature is that you can literally see almost the entireoutdoors with this giant Sun roof and before we move on to cool features herein the center console one all sorts of mathematical calculations to calculateangles or mathematical equations also here at the bottom at the back end hereon this little flip up four generations of side view styles of the RAM half-tonpickup truck and we’ve only scratched the surface with this video of the 2019ram 1500 but if you want more information go topickup trucks dot-comyou



Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series

Black is back! After months of speculation and countless spy photographs, Mercedes-Benzhave officially revealed details for the new SL 65 AMG Black Series. With its sensationalgood looks, unbelievable performance, thisnew Bi Turbo V12 coupé is truly a supercar thoroughbred.



Thursday, 27 September 2018

Honda Insight Prototype: First Impressions —

Honda fans know that whenever the automaker unveils a prototype of a carwell it’s gonna be pretty darn close to what you’re gonna see in productionversion in showrooms in the months or immediate years to come that appears tobe the case here with this the insight prototype which would reprise a thirdgeneration of Honda’s hybrid vehicle unlike the first two generations this isa very kind of normal-looking car it’s a sedan that Honda actually positions as apremium entry above the Civic kind of in its walk up in terms of hybrids thiswould still slot below the Accord Hybrid dimensionally very similar to the Civicin terms of styling the insight prototype has a fairly tidy rear endwithout too much going on back there in terms of just kind of adventurous cuesup front here Honda’s plunging grille here which we’ve seen in some form oranother on the Accord and the Civic it sort of fans out any of these adjacentheadlights here under the hood a very similar drivetrain we’re told to theclarity plug-in hybrid without the battery size and the hardware forplugging in that’s a 1. 5 liter atkinson cycle four-cylinder engine with a twomotor hybrid system capable of driving you at low speeds on electric poweralone honda says when you throw it all together the insight will get more than50 miles per gallon in one of the epa cycles although officials did not tellus exactly which cycle honda does say this is coming out at an auto show verysoon in production form so stay tuned for moreyou



ICON 1965 Ford Crew Cab Reformer — 2017 SEMA Show

we’re here at the 2017 SEMA show where we caught up with Jonathan ward fromicon 4×4 because one of the standout vehicles to us is this reformer f250six-pack so Jonathan talked to me about the concept of what we have well I wantto build the most inefficient things I possibly can so this is part of thereformer lines you know we have the production fj’s and Broncos and thriftmasters and then once that standardized I hate to say it I like get a little bitbored and I love doing these one-offs because like constant discovery and youknow new challenges so this is a really good example of those it’s a 1965 f250crew cab and that’s factory build every one thinks that we mash it up and makeit wasn’t really factory that but they built them for like the railroads andthe military and stuff so they’re hard to find but all that remains of it isthe body shell the seat frames the door handles so the idea is with the reformerrevisit like everything I do classic design in a modern context so the ideais simply to make this a viable capable safe fast fun daily driver but likereally honor the the vintage style so it’s got the beautiful styling of a 65that will elaborate on that so like the plastic knobs it didn’t all kind ofmatch I’ll take some liberties pick my favorite one see and see it in stainlesscreate more continuity with the design then they just kind of geek out on everysingle to the tail it’s super fun so what’s under the hood so this one’srunning a five nine Cummins and then Gail banks has become a dear friend andwe’ve been working with her for years so we basically said to Gail just sendme whatever the heck you have for the five nine which you and I both know hehas kind of everything for it so it’s about probably 750 torque but totallymanageable daily driver and it just moves like a freight train and whosetransmission in fact so basically I cheatedI took a no seven Mega Cab 3,500 Dodge and built the truck upon that but it wasa client request because he doesn’t like the current generation Ford diesel buthas massive faith and experience and the Dodge so everything is dodge underneathaxles and suspension yeah I mean I did the core Fox off-road racing suspensionwe did ceramic coated stainless Gail banks exhaust upgraded the brakes andthe clutch but yes the primary architecture in fact even the referencethen the client if he needs to again we’re rolling to a Dodge dealer maybepiss them off confuse them a little bit but tell them hey it’s this all partnumber consistency can bus electronics obd2 everything is still consistent tothat VIN so we try and avoid the Johnny Cash specials you know where the clientdoesn’t know what to do where to get what and when you kind of use a wholeplatform you’re getting a lot of engineering and consistency by doingthat I know you’re all about the details so talk to me about the interior socustom leather buy more and she’ll she’s a common partner for me but I’m a majorleather geek hobbyist too so like why did the dye sample they made it for soit’s got this like funky red modded with black highlights the seat insertsI wanted to get something really durable and I like to go outside automotive soit’s actually Knoll which is like high-end architecturebut outside patio furniture so UV dry run of all that’s way better thanautomotive then like we had seat heaters we use tempur-pedic foam the steeringwheel is a vintage Ford wheel but from another app and then I hand-stitched andleather wrap did gauge shell looks stock so we kept the custom cab gauges andeven the exterior side trim they never did a custom cab crew cab butI used to own one and love them so then we Sheldon it’s all you know modern gutsbut with the vintage aesthetic hidden audio with Bluetoothyou know a/c and power windows but it looks like analog so like a little stuffman you know me I love that’s the last thing the bed itself that must havecreated some issues or problems what kind of solutions did you come up withwell when you’re doing these body swaps even with CAD control there’s thingsthat just kind of surprise you and give you new challenges so actually to getthe fitment right and the chassis balance correct because we don’t want toalter suspension or engine versus front axle center point we’ve actually cheatand raise that bed floor up so you’ll notice that when you drop the tailgateyou lost probably six inches of depth but that gave us better mechanicalengineering so we just let it have its very cool thank you for your time I knowyou’re running the show appreciate it thanks for the interest for more go topickup trucks comyou



2019 Lincoln MKC: Design Updates —

slowly but surely Lincoln’s new horizontally framed grill is making itsway across the lineup and now it graces the updated MKC which is Lincoln’s smallSUV as you can see here it replaces what used to be kind of a split vein grill itextended all the way after the headlights there’s a little bit ofseparation and we actually think this looks a lot better headlights also havebeen redesigned Lincoln says you come around the side there’s a few otherminor changes here one is the door handles they have this little chromestrip on them now and you come around to the tail and there’s another chromestrip here just below Lincoln’s badging here right in thecenter now the MKC already drives pretty well mechanicals essentially carry overfor the new updated version here so that should continue you can find out a lotmore closer to it’s on sale date in summer of 2018you

